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Afinador de violín de Titanio

Afinador de violín de Titanio

33.90 €
Precio con IVA. más coste de envío
El precio total dependerá del tipo de IVA del país de entrega.

  • Modelo: 31608-D
  • EAN: 9120072900051
  • Fabricado por: Mberg

Tiempo de envío: aprox. 2-3 días



Afinador de violín de Titanio


The unique solid-body joint, together with the fascinating material titanium, offers a number of advantages:

  •      Optimal sound transmission
  •      50% less weight compared to conventional metal fine tuners, resulting in lower damping effects
  •      Fine tuner mechanism is free of wear and play
  •      smooth-running gold-plated adjusting screw with fine thread
  •      the materials used titanium and gold are biocompatible (anti-allergenic).
  • "What I love about the cello version is that I can actually feel the difference ...I sense it in the violin/viola ...but with the cello, I can feel the immediacy, the clearity, and the sustain.
    I have designed my chelo tailpiece around this tuner ...I use it on the A string and I found it acts much like a tuningfork, actually amplifying the string. My sense is that all the strings are much more willing to share energy amongst themselves."

    Daniel Hoffman, Geigenbauer / New York, USA