El estuche del violín - Pequeña guíaIt is very important to realize that the violin case is to the violin what a house is to a man. So protection. A violin that is properly stored in its case has a good chance of surviving the centuries undamaged. That's why you shouldn't skimp on it. You can find different violin cases in different shapes, made of different materials and different qualities. This small guide should help you to be better informed in order to protect your own instrument as best as possible. The violin case can be found as a shaped case or violin case. The SHAPED CASE is the most space-saving way to transport or protect the violin. The cover of the violin case should be waterproof. As a rule, the shaped case has a small accessory compartment. A big advantage is the low weight, which is between 1.2 kg and 2 kg. Traditionally, the shoulder rest was placed on the side next to the violin neck. In the past, it was not customary to store sheet music directly on the violin case. That's why there was usually no music bag there. Some examples: The OBLONG CASE. As the name suggests, the case has the typical shape of a square suitcase. The biggest advantage is that the interior offers much more space; usually there is space for 2 to 4 bows, several accessory compartments with space for rosin, string tube and shoulder rest. But the oblong case has a little more weight. Usually between 2 kg and 3 kg. There is also enough space for sheet music or other documents in waterproof sheet music pocket. A suspension of the violin is standard nowadays. One can also find violin cases with built-in hygrometers and/or humidifiers to control the humidity inside the violin case. The DOUBLE CASE - for violin viola or for 2 violins - is a very useful case when it comes to transporting two instruments or storing them professionally. Teachers, professional musicians or even amateur musicians often have to take a second violin or even a viola with them in addition to their violin. The double case makes the work much easier. You also get them in various performances; with accessory compartments, string tube, covers and sheet music pocket.
THE FABRICS Without a doubt, it is the core of the case that makes the difference in texture. Traditionally, violin cases were made from a wooden core. Over time, the polyfoam core cases appeared. Polyfoam is a highly compressed plastic. This makes the violin case considerably lighter. Nowadays, violin cases are made of different materials such as fiberglass and carbon fiber in different degrees of purity. Without a doubt, the carbon violin case is the most modern thing you can get on the market today because of its lightness and robustness. Read the article: "Carbon violin case versus wooden violin case" Humidity: There is one thing that the violinist needs to think about, and that is the balanced humidity level of the air inside the violin case. Especially in winter, the instrument is exposed to greater climatic differences. One should keep this in mind. Hygrometers and humidifiers should not be missing in the violin case. Con el uso moderno de materiales livianos junto a una refinada y exquisita técnica de construcción ha logrado Musafia construir estuches para violin y viola con nuncleo de madera livianos que a la vez ofrecen al instrumento una seguridad de alto grado. Large selection of violin cases and violin accessories at: |